When purchasing a vehicle, the main thing that most consumers look for is its reliability and durability. Because purchasing a vehicle is a big investment, it makes sense that owners will want to make sure that they are purchasing something that is going to last quite a few years. On average, a Hyundai's engine has a lifespan that is anywhere around 250,000 km to 400,000 km. Depending on how much you drive each day, your car's engine could be in perfect working condition for 15 to 20 years. However, in order to ensure that your car's engine is able to last that long, there are a few things that you will need to do on your end to keep it in good working order.
Tips to Extend Your Engine's Life
The engines in our vehicles are sometimes put through a lot. They have to endure the extreme temperatures in the different seasons and have to endure extremely hot temperatures when they are in use for long periods of time. These conditions can cause damage to the various components of an engine. Here are a few things that you can do to help keep your engine in peak condition.
1. Don't Speed
Driving at high rates of speed can cause unnecessary wear and tear to your engine. When a vehicle has to go at a high rate of speed, the various components on a vehicle are also forced to move faster, which causes the metal to become hotter and could potentially become damaged.

2. Don't Forget Regular Maintenance
You should take your car to a trusted service department to have the oil and other fluids changed regularly. Check your car's owner's manual to see how often you should have your engine serviced.

3. Check Your Hyundai's Towing Capacity
Many times, drivers will not check their vehicle's towing capacity before they try to haul a heavy load. The towing capacity tells you how much weight your vehicle can tow. If you exceed that amount, it could put a lot of stress on your engine, which can cause significant damage over time.